Vent and Duct Solutions is a company that provides dryer vent replacement, dryer duct replacement, and cleaning services. Washers and dryers are among the most used appliances in our homes. We all have laundry that needs to get washed and dried on a regular basis. The bigger the family, the more the laundry, and the more the dryer vent fills with lint that stops your dryer from doing its job. We can clean or fix it!
Serving Wake Forest, North Carolina
And Surrounding Areas
Dryer Vent Replacement Services

Dryers are typically made up of the following parts:
• Power supply – Dryers can be powered by gas or electricity. The former is hooked to a gas tank or gas line, while the latter is simply plugged in.
• Controls – These are buttons or knobs that will enable you to control the level of work that you want the dryer to perform.
• Drum and Support Rollers – When you open the dryer door, you see an inner tub or drum. It holds wet clothes and spins them around as part of the drying system. The support rollers hold the drum from getting displaced as it does its spinning motion.
• Motor – This makes the drum belt move so the drum can do its spin cycles.
• Blower – This ensures proper air flow during the drying process. It blows hot air through the exhaust duct that leads to the dryer vent.
• Heating Mechanism – Obviously, the heating duct and thermostat make up the heating element of the dryer. They control the heat needed to dry clothes.
• Lint Trap – This is where those annoying little fabric bits are collected for easier retrieval.
• Exhaust Duct – This is the pathway for the hot air that needs to be released from the dryer.
• Dryer Vent – This is where the hot air from the dryer ends up. The vent serves as the hot air’s escape hatch. Dryer vents, of course, direct the hot air out of the house.
Out of all these parts, the most neglected ones are the exhaust ducts and dryer vents. This is where Vent and Duct Solutions comes in. The company makes sure that both these parts are in great working order. Otherwise, doing laundry may end up being disappointing or dangerous.
Vent and Duct Solutions can address all the issues that come up in connection with exhaust ducts and dryer vents.